Overcome the Autumn 'Limbo'

As Autumn settles in and the carefree-nature of summer slips quietly into the background, many of us find ourselves stuck somewhere in limbo. Autumn sneaks up on us without warning – all of a sudden it’s not quite warm enough, not quite cold enough, days are shorter, it’s harder to get ourselves out of bed. The result, if we aren’t careful our moods can take a surprise tumble.


Take control of your wellbeing

What do we do to combat the impending blues? We fill our homes with things that stimulate our senses – touch, taste, smell, even the most subtle things can have an amazing effect on wellbeing.

-         Rich, warming scents to fill the air with purpose.

-         Thick textured throws and earthy tactile wood to bring you down to earth.

-         Comfort food, like roast dinners and steaming slow-cooked meals.

-         Swap out bright coloured homewares for muted tones like orange, red and yellow.


Whatever your wellbeing requires, the key is to do what’s right for you. And the beauty of Autumn is there’s a whole range of possibilities for you to express yourself.